Tuesday, May 29, 2007

end of week 1...

Well we've been here an entire week and we're still alive. Tony and I have two more weeks here and David leaves in one.

I must say I have to give mad props to Angela who works in the Harp Archives--she's coming to New York next week just to visit me and Tony!!! (I hear she's going to take a few harp lessons on the side too.) I feel you should all follow Angela's good example and make a trek out to New York some time in the next two weeks and pay us a visit. We will be happy to show you all the cheap local places to eat!!!!

We're halfway done clearing out the HUGE 53-ft container and I think we're working much faster than any of us anticipated so that is good. Working 8+ hours a day in the sun is worth it when we see all the progress we're making and the fact that we'll get Friday off to go play in the city!!! :)

Hope you all are doing well. Don't be shy to drop us a line to tell how much you love and miss us!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We miss you!!!!! Sounds like you all are working hard but having so much fun! Have an awesome weekend out in the city! -- MAD lib.

Anonymous said...

So, are you guys getting a nice farmer's tan too? Or are you just losing weight? You should take before and afters of yourselves. That would be great. You could even come up with a new weight loss program--you could be famous!